Mufasa: The Lion King has been directed by Barry Jenkins and is a prequel to the iconic 1994 animated version...
Pushpa 2 is just a few crores away from entering Rs 1000 crore at the domestic box office Allu Arjun's...
The Long Island serial killer remained a mystery for more than a decade. See all of the films based on...
'Superman' is returning to the big screen in 2025. Learn everything you need to know about the upcoming DC film,...
In typical dramatic television fashion, the sixth season of 'Virgin River' ended on a major cliffhanger. So, is there a...
Find out more about the personal life of the Gilgo Beach serial killing suspect, who has now been charged with...
The music world loves a prodigy, but so many burned out in their youth, overwhelmed by the passion and pressure...
The Fulton County District Attorney was removed from the Georgia election interference case against Donald Trump.The Fulton County District Attorney...
Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency on Wed. in response to the bird flu outbreak affecting dairy herds....