The ace director announces his next titled The Idiot Of Istanbul with Malayalam superstar Fahadh Faasil An Imtiaz Ali film...
Baby John is a remake of the 2016 Tamil action thriller Theri Varun Dhawan's Baby John was released in theatres...
The couple welcomed their first child, a baby girl on September 8. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are on cloud...
The total earnings of the film stood at Rs 1109.85 crore at the domestic box office Allu Arjun's Pushpa 2...
Raha made her paparazzi debut last Christmas at the Kapoors' annual lunch Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and their daughter Raha...
Sunny Hinduja, a known face for shows such as The Aspirants and The Family Man, has forayed into the Malayalam...
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt were spotted with their baby Raha celebrating Christmas. Alia Bhatt arrived first and asked the...
Christmas is here! Watching a good holiday movie with a cup of hot chocolate, surrounded by your loved ones is...
It's the joyous occasion of Christmas and our beloved celebrities have not forgotten to extend their warm wishes to their...